Saturday, January 2, 2021

Acoustic bands for weddings


Acoustic bands 

What is an acoustic band? Acoustic bands can perform laid back music as well as lively songs in an unplugged style. One of the most popular choices for weddings is an acoustic duo which usually consists of a vocalist and a guitarist. Other acoustic instruments include a piano, double bass, and a Cajon. A Cajon is a box-like instrument that the percussionist sits on and uses their hands, palms, and fingertips to create sound this replaces the drums for an acoustic band.

Acoustic wedding bands and duos are ideal for venues where they have a sound limiter in place.

Acoustic bands are ideal for intimate wedding ceremonies and those afternoon drinks receptions. With so many different styles and genres to choose from you won’t be disappointed.

Here are a few options for you

Hire a Jazz Band

A jazz band could consist of a singer, pianist a double bass and percussionist, while others will just be purely instrumental, performing your standard jazz classics to New Orleans or Dixieland jazz.

Acoustic Duo

This is a perfect choice for a chilled out reception an acoustic duo will usually consist of a vocalist and acoustic guitarist or with an option of both playing guitars and both singing. They are also able to perform a more up-tempo performance for the evening reception.

Acoustic Folk Band

These styles of bands are a very popular choice for weddings thanks to the likes of Mumford & Sons.  Folk wedding bands create an amazing atmosphere and with acoustic instruments like a double bass, banjo, guitar and Cajon you will be blown away by a modern folk band.

Roaming Acoustic Band

For something completely different why not choose acoustic roaming bands, they won’t be tied to one specific spot like a stage, they will roam around the room encouraging your guests to join in singing and dancing.

String Quartets

A string quartet is a great choice for a more formal wedding; instruments would be violins, viola, and cello. Not only will they play classical tunes but more modern and up-to-date classics tunes which are a popular choice with a string quartet.

Solo Acoustic Guitarist

If you don’t have the budgets for a band then why not go for a solo acoustic artist instead. The most popular of these is an acoustic guitarist or pianist. They will usually have a large repertoire of songs and will be able to cover ceremonies, drinks receptions, and also the evening entertainment. A lot of the guitarists now perform using a looping pedal which is an electronic device that creates instant recordings of musical performance and plays those recordings back in real-time creating a greater sound as if there is more than just a solo artist performing.

Mariachi Band

How about a Mexican Mariachi band? Instruments would be a mixture of acoustic guitars violin, trumpet, vihuela, guitarrĂ³n which is a bass instrument, and sometimes a harp.

These are just a handful of ideas if you are thinking of hiring an acoustic band or artist for your wedding.



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